Fix gaps between your teeth with dental bonding

It is estimated by the American Dental Association, that as many as ¼ of Americans have a gap between their two front teeth, known as diastema. For many Americans with diastema, there is frustration as it seems like there are no affordable and pain free options to minimize this gap and improve their smile. What many do not realize, is there are treatment options that dentists can use to help treat diastema. Cosmetic dental bonding is one affordable and minimally invasive option for treating gaps between teeth. Below is more information on cosmetic dental bonding and how the treatment can be used to minimize unwanted diastema.

What is cosmetic dental bonding?

Cosmetic dental bonding is a procedure where a tooth-colored composite is applied to cracked, chipped, or discolored teeth. The cosmetic dental bonding procedure requires a dentist to have some expertise with shaping and sculping the composite to match the shape and size of the nearby teeth. When filling gaps, the composite will be applied to make the teeth on each side of the gap a little larger to minimize the gap between them. In general, the dental bonding procedure is non-invasive, relatively pain-free, and depending on the dentist can be quick. Additionally, the treatment can be completed in one dental clinic visit.

Prior to getting started with the application of the composite, there are a few preparation steps that must occur. First, the dentist will need to select a composite color that is similar to the shade of the natural teeth. Next, the surface of the teeth needs to be prepared to make the teeth more susceptible for the bonding material.

Applying the Composite

Once the teeth are prepared, the bonding composite is applied to the teeth. The composite is a putty like substance that is applied and then sculpted onto the teeth. What this means is that the cosmetic dental bonding treatment, especially when it is being used to fill gaps, is a customized approach to improving the smile. How long the procedure takes is dependent on the dentist and their expertise with crafting the composite. Once the dentist is satisfied with the appearance of the composite a high-intensity UV light is used to harden the composite material. The last step is to polish and smooth the new teeth so they match the rest of the natural teeth.

Who should get bonding?

If you have diastema, you may be interested in researching if dental bonding is a good option for you. It may be worthwhile to have a discussion with a dentist and have them complete an oral exam. Determining if the dental bonding approach may work for you may depend on the extent of your gap and the overall state of your teeth. If you have a gap between your teeth and have always wanted to have it repaired, you should have a discussion with your dentist. There are many treatment options your dentist may suggest for you. Cosmetic dental bonding may be one simple non-invasive solution for you.

Interesting in learning more about dental bonding? Learn about how long dental bonding can last