Soft Foods After Oral Surgery
As you begin to prepare for your oral surgery recovery, know ahead of time what foods your Oral Surgeon will recommend and have them at your home, ready to go! Increase your water consumption for a day or so before your scheduled surgery so that you are well hydrated. This will help keep swelling down and ease the recovery process.
After eating, you may find it beneficial to rinse with warm salt water. This will help keep your surgery site clean and make sure food particles are not left behind, which can cause irritation and bad breath. Continue brushing and flossing if you are able, avoiding the site and instead, cleaning it with a q-tip if appropriate. Do not rinse too hard and let the water fall out of your mouth instead of spitting.
The day of your surgery, you will want to keep to a clear liquid diet to allow the surgery site to close. After that first day, your surgeon may allow you to begin to incorporate soft foods. Proper nutrition is key to helping the body heal so have a nice variety of items full of vitamins, minerals and protein to pick from.
Here are some ideas for soft foods and beverages after extractions or implant placement:
- Broths, bone broths, and clear soups
- Apple sauce, yogurt; peanut butter
- Mashed or baked potatoes; rice
- Plain pastas
- Tapioca, mousse, pudding and jello
- Ice cream, milkshakes, frozen yogurt and popsicles
- Soft fruits, like mangos, bananas, peaches or canned fruits that tend to be softer
- Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat or grits
- Eggs, tofu, avocados and soft cheeses
- Soft steamed vegetables
- Cottage cheese
- Teas, smoothies and milks
The above list are just examples, keep to your individual dietary restrictions where they are concerned.
Wait for at least a week after surgery before eating:
- Crunchy foods like chips, pretzels and popcorn and cookies
- Sticky foods (candies and caramels); spicy foods
- Crusty and chewy breads, toast
- Alcoholic beverages; citrus juices and fruits
- Anything that has you chewing too much, like chicken and steak
- Seeds and nuts
Though you may be concerned that you will have a hard time staying full on your temporary soft food diet, smoothies or juices with added protein powder can help keep you satisfied for a longer period of time. While you may be tempted to sip your smoothie from a straw, you will need to avoid straws to prevent dry socket. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that was covering the surgery site becomes dislodged, exposing the site. It is very painful and will likely cause you to make a trip back to your surgeon for treatment. You will also want to avoid smoking, as the same sucking action is what can cause dry socket.
Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns or if you are having pain which lasts longer than it should.
More Oral Surgery : Recovery after Oral Surgery