The dental crown procedure
At your last trip to the dentist your dentist recommended a dental crown lynnwood washington, and you’re not sure why? Dental crowns are a great option that are commonly used for many different purposes: a fractured or damaged tooth, a tooth that is stained or discolored, or a tooth that is weak and needs to be stabilized. Whatever the reason, a dental crown may be just what you need to get the smile you desire. Installing a dental crown occurs over two separate visits, here is some more information about the dental crown procedure and what you can expect to occur.
Appointment #1: preparation and measurements
At the first visit, your dentist will complete a thorough exam of the tooth that needs to be fixed. After making sure the tooth will be a good support for a crown, the tooth needs to be prepared. The preparation for a crown involves filing down the existing tooth so the crown can be placed over top like a cover. After the tooth is reduced in size, your dentist will take a measurement of the tooth using an impression putty to create a mold of the tooth and the surrounding teeth. This mold will be sent to a dental lab to create your permanent crown. Dental crowns are made from various synthetic materials including: ceramic, resin, porcelain, alloy or stainless steel. The most common type of crowns are porcelain or ceramic. If your dentist is ordering you a porcelain or ceramic crown they may also assess the shade of your natural teeth, so they can order a color that will match. At the end of this first visit your dentist will give you a temporary crown to cover the tooth and protect it while you wait for the permanent crown to be made.
Appointment #2: Installation of the permanent crown
Once the permanent crown has been made by the lab, it will be time for your second visit. Your dentist will remove your temporary crown and install the new permanent crown. Then dentist will cement the permanent crown using a special adhesive.
After the crown is installed
After the dental crown has been installed it may take some getting used to. The tooth should match your natural teeth, but this does not mean it will feel natural right away. It may feel especially different if the purpose of the crown is to fix misalignment or the shape of the previous tooth. That great news is once you get used to the permanent crown it should last you forever. The best way to make sure your crown lasts is to practice good oral hygiene habits. Brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing your teeth daily, and schedule routine professional cleanings and exams with your dentists are all great habits to help preserve your new crown. Additionally, if you avoid chewing on hard objects or hard foods such as ice or hard candy, will help make sure that your new crown doesn’t break or become loose. If you have any questions about your new crown don’t be afraid to ask your dentist.
More About Dental Crowns : How Long do Dental Crowns Last?