Contact Meadowdale Dental Clinic Today (425) 742-9609
Ask Your Dentist Questions
Your smile is a huge part of your life, so let’s ask your lynnwood dentist the right questions about your oral hygiene and that asset of yours called a smile. With the focus today on customer service, your dentist can and should play an important role in your life. Qualify that role with a battery of questions. Before, during and after know something about your mouth and its part of your entire makeup. You want to develop a level of trust with your dentist. A level that you control.
First, the Search
When embarking on the initial search be fair to yourself. Ask friends, family, coworkers or neighbors for a referral. Go online and search out an office location to make it convenient for you to make your scheduled visits. Determine the qualifications of that dentist like you would your hair stylist. Ask the office about billing procedures and insurance coverage. See when they can get you in for your first appointment and then how long you have to sit in the waiting room. Now take your search into research. Spend a few minutes understanding simple dental procedures and practices. Understand the benefits of proper home care even before you go. Know the difference between a thorough cleaning, a full dental examination or the reason for x-rays. Be prepared with this information to not only ask questions but to question treatment advice.
Second, the Visit
The dentist office is a hard service appointment to readily enjoy, unless you embrace your objectives and then appreciate the time with your dentist. If you value your smile than that dentist is a trusted teammate to improve that asset. Shoot a picture of your current smile to document a starting point. Once you have established a plan with your dentist you can be somewhat in control by measuring progress. Never forget that your dentist is working for you so ask the questions more than once if necessary to continue to remain on the same page.
The Game Plan
Think about a youngster and how many times they may ask WHY in one day. Do not hesitate to ask why from appointment to appointment. Don’t be afraid to ask for options, and don’t be afraid to seek out a second opinion. We can’t stress enough the importance of you assigning the value to your smile or your oral hygiene. What sense does it make to have your teeth cleaned and then never brush at home? Ask your dentist how you can participate in maintaining your part of the plan. Even though the dentist indeed works for you, if he or she sees how you feel about your teeth it will make their job not only easier buy will bring satisfaction and gratification to their work for you.
Your Smile
Go ahead, ask your dentist the right questions about your smile. Let’s see what their first impression is of your most important asset and how they will either preserve that smile or improve that smile..
Contact Meadowdale Dental Clinic
We offer a variety of Preventative, Restorative, and Cosmetic Dentistry focused on long term relationships built on trust. Contact Meadowdale Dental today at (425) 742-9609 or contact us via our contact form.
Interested in learning more about general dentistry? Here's some more information on how to choose the right dentist.