What is Gum Depigmentation?

Many patients come to the dentist's office looking for a treatment that can remove stains from their gums. There is a procedure for this type of problem, although it is not widely known, called gum depigmentation. It can make the gums lighter and the smile more beautiful.

Gum depigmentation is a dental procedure that removes dark spots from the gums, leaving them with a lighter, pinker color. Gum depigmentation treatment is aesthetic and aims to improve the patient's self-esteem. It is not necessary for those who are not bothered by stains, as they do not interfere with oral health.

Gum pigmentation is caused by an excess of melanin, a protein that gives the skin its color. The spots can be brownish, purple, grayish, or black in color. They are more common in people of African and Asian descent but can also appear in smokers or those who have metal dentures.

Gingival depigmentation can be performed using surgical or non-surgical techniques. Among the surgical techniques are gingivoplasty by epithelial abrasion, cryotherapy, free gingival graft, and laser therapy. Generally, gum depigmentation can be done non-surgically, through a form of depigmentation known as gum bleaching. Gum bleaching is a non-surgical method that removes stains through superficial depigmentation.

What is gum bleaching and what are its effects?

Gum bleaching is an aesthetic procedure that involves whitening the gums. It removes stains from the internal tissue of the mouth caused by factors such as high melanin production and smoking.

During the procedure, the cells that cause the gums to change color to darker tones are removed, resulting in the removal of unwanted pigmentation. This can improve oral aesthetics and increase the patient's self-esteem.

How does gum bleaching work?

The procedure usually begins with the application of local anesthesia. Then, a superficial depigmentation is performed on the affected area, removing the cells responsible for the unwanted pigmentation. If the patient is tolerant to minor pain, it is possible for the procedure to be performed without anesthesia.

After the scaling, new tissue begins to appear in the area where the procedure was performed and, in about seven days, a satisfactory result can be observed. The end result is lighter and more uniform gums, without stains or discolorations.

To prevent the stains from returning, your dentist can provide some recommendations, such as avoiding eating very hot foods and smoking.

What is the post-operative period like?

The postoperative period of gum depigmentation is a crucial time to ensure proper recovery and long-lasting results from the procedure. Typically, the specialist will prescribe medication to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. However, it doesn't stop there. It is important to follow other recommendations from your dentist to minimize any discomfort and avoid possible complications.

In Conclusion

If you are sensitive about the pigmentation in your gums and would like to enhance the aesthetics of your smile through gum depigmentation, there are surgical and non-surgical solutions for you. Most people can solve gum pigmentation with gum bleaching, which is minimally invasive and gives lasting results in a short period of time. Because each patient is different, please contact us today for a consultation and evaluation of which procedures are right for you for gum depigmentation.

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